Ford 2015 Explorer Sport Service Manual


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Ford 2015 Explorer Sport Models

Service / Repair / Workshop Manual



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This manual has everything you need to do repairs, service, and maintenance.  Step-by-step instructions and exploded views are included to make your repairs simple and quick. 

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Format: PDF

Pages: 16391

QualityExcellent. Please note this service manual is from captured web pages and not from the original digital source. That means the page breaks are sometimes not perfect quality but overall this manual is totally usable.

Models Covered: All 2.0L EcoBoost, 3.5L V6, 3.5L V6 EcoBoost, and 3.7L V6 models. 2WD and 4WD. Base, Limited, XLT, and Sport trims. 

Table of Contents: Abbreviations, Accessory Drive Belt, Adjustable Pedals, Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) And Stability Control, Anti-Theft System, APIM Hardware Testing, Automatic Transmission -6F35, Automatic Transmission -6F50-6F55, Automatic Transmission Cooling System, Automatic Transmission External Controls, Auxiliary Climate Control System, Battery, Battery Mounting & Battery Cables, Body Panel System, Brake System, Bumper System, Cabin Air Filter, Charging System, Climate Control System, Collison Avoidance, Common Specifications & Procedures, Cruise Control System, Driveline System, Driveshaft, DTC Index, Electronic Engine Controls, Electronic Power Assist Steering System, Emission Applications, Engine Controls, Engine Cooling System, Engine Emission Control System, Engine Ignition System, Engine Mechanical, Engine Overhaul Procedures, Engine System - General Information, Evaporative Emissions System, Exhaust System, Exterior Lighting System, Exterior Trim & Ornamentation, Firing Order & Cylinder Identification, Four Wheel Drive (4WD) Systems, Front Disc Brake System, Front Drive Halfshafts, Front Suspension, Fuel Charging And Controls, Fuel System - General Information, Fuel Tank & Fuel Lines, Handles, Locks, Latches And Entry Systems, High Voltage Converter Power Point Inverter, Horn System, Hydraulic Brake System Actuation, Information Center -Instrumentation, Message Center, And Warning Chimes, Information System And Entertainment System, Instrument Cluster Illumination And Panel Illumination, Instrument Panel And Console, Intake Air Distribution System & Intake Air Filtering System, Interior Lighting System, Interior Trim And Ornamentation, Lane Departure Warning, Maintenance Reminder Light Reset Procedures, Module Communications Network, Module Configuration System, Multifunction Electronic Modules, OEM Component Harness Location Views, OEM Connector End Views, OEM Connector Repair Procedures, OEM Electrical Wiring Diagram Introduction, OEM Fuse And Relay Information, OEM Ground Distribution, OEM Vehicle Repair Location Charts, OEM Wiring Diagram Symbols, OEM Wiring Diagrams Component Testing, OEM Wiring Diagrams, Parking Aid System, Parking Brake System, Power Brake Actuation, Rear Disc Brake System, Rear Drive Axle Differential, Rear Drive Halfshafts, Rear Suspension, Rear View Mirror, Safety Belt System, Seat System - Seats, Side and Rear Vision, Starting System, State Emission Standards, Steering Column Switches, Steering Column, Sunroof, Supplemental Restraint System, Suspension System, System Wiring Diagrams, Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS), Transfer Case - Power Transfer Unit, Turbocharger 2.0L GTDI, Turbocharger 3.5L GTDI, Universal Home Transmitter, Wheel Alignment Specifications, Wheels & Tires, Windows And Glass, Wiper System & Washer System 

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