Jeep 2017 Wrangler Unlimited Service Manual


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2017 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Models 

Service / Repair / Workshop Manual



Fully bookmarked and searchable digital download of the above listed service manual. All of our manuals come as easy-to-use PDF files. Our downloads are FAST and EASY to use. We include instructions on how to use your manual. This manual is UNLOCKED so that you can download and place on as many devices as you want or print it out.

This manual has everything you need to do repairs, service, and maintenance.  Step-by-step instructions and exploded views are included to make your repairs simple and quick. 

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Browse the images for REAL samples of the pages and the full table of contents.


Format: PDF

Pages: 6824

QualityExcellent. Please note this service manual is from captured web pages and not from the original digital source. That means the page breaks are sometimes not perfect quality but overall this manual is totally usable.

Models Covered: Wrangler, Wrangler Unlimited, Wrangler Sport, Wrangler Unlimited Sport, Wrangler Sahara, Wrangler Unlimited Sahara, Wrangler Rubicon, Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon

Table of Contents: General Information, Accessories & Equipment, Body & Frame, Brakes, Drivelines & Axles, Electrical, Engine Mechanical, Engine Performance, Heating / Ventilation / AC (HVAC), Maintenance, Restraints, Steering, Suspension, Transmission, Wiring Diagrams

Part Numbers: N/A

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  • 4
    Great price—Very useful!

    Posted by Aram on Nov 13th 2019

    For a DIY mechanic, this PDF manual is perfect as it contains the information I needed (and more!) at a price that didn't break the bank. The manual is just as describe, bookmarked, unlocked, and with some minor odd page breaks. Download was very quick. After ordering, I was downloading and reading the manual in about 5 minutes. As described, the pictures and diagrams are serviceable. The PDF is also text-searchable, as promised. A nice bonus is in addition to the service procedures, each section starts with operating theories, which give great insight into how specific systems work. Systems that are controlled by the ECU vs “conventional” switching are always noted, so troubleshooting can be more effective. These theory pages can be skipped if not needed, but having them there is nice. Because all aspects of service are included, many sections include ‘duplicate’ images/instructions elsewhere. But this is more a function of how service manuals are laid out than a shortcoming with the PDF. I only wish this manual included a “parts fiche” or dedicated breakdown of parts/numbers with exploded diagrams. This sort of thing isn’t necessary, but it makes finding parts easier. If you are a professional dealer technician, you probably already have access to the web-based MoPar manual. However, paying for this if you are a backyard mechanic is overkill. Best part of this PDF is you don’t need a subscription: this PDF is yours to keep!